SQL Query Examples

Impact by contributor last 12 Months

SELECT date_trunc('month', authored_at) as Month, contributor_parents.name as Name, SUM(commits.impact) FROM commits INNER JOIN contributors ON commits.contributor_id=contributors.id INNER JOIN contributor_parents ON contributor_parents.id=contributors.contributor_parent_id where authored_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '12' month) GROUP BY Month, contributor_parents.id

Deploys in last 6 months

SELECT date_trunc('month', external_created_at) as Month, COUNT(*) FROM pull_requests where external_created_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '6' month) AND title iLIKE ANY(ARRAY['%release%', '%deploy%']) GROUP BY Month

PRs Merged in last 6 months By Contributor

SELECT date_trunc('month', external_merged_at) as Month, contributor_parents.name as ContributorName, COUNT(pull_requests) FROM pull_requests INNER JOIN contributors ON pull_requests.contributor_id=contributors.id INNER JOIN contributor_parents ON contributor_parents.id=contributors.contributor_parent_id where external_merged_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '6' month) GROUP BY Month, ContributorName, contributor_parents.id

Comments Added Last 6 Months By Contributor

SELECT date_trunc('month', comments.external_created_at) as Month, contributor_parents.name as Name, COUNT(*) FROM comments INNER JOIN contributors ON comments.contributor_id=contributors.id INNER JOIN contributor_parents ON contributor_parents.id=contributors.contributor_parent_id where comments.external_created_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '6' month) GROUP BY Month, contributor_parents.id

Bug fixes last 6 months

SELECT date_trunc('month', external_created_at) as MONTH, COUNT(*) FROM pull_requests where external_created_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '6' month) AND (title iLIKE ANY(ARRAY['%bug%', '%fix%']) OR body iLIKE ANY(ARRAY['%bug%', '%fix%'])) GROUP BY MONTH

Merged Pull Requests Over Last 6 Months by week

SELECT date_trunc('week', external_created_at) as Week, COUNT(*) FROM pull_requests where external_created_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '6' month) AND external_merged_at IS NOT NULL GROUP BY Week

Issue Story Points Moved To Done Per Week

SELECT date_trunc('week', issues.external_closed_at) as Week, SUM(issue_fields.value_decimal) FROM issues INNER JOIN issue_fields ON issue_fields.issue_id=issues.id where issues.external_closed_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '12' month) AND issue_fields.external_id IN ( select external_id from issue_fields_descriptions where name = 'Story Points' ) GROUP BY Week

Story Points For Specific Contributor and Project

SELECT date_trunc('week', issues.external_closed_at) as Week, SUM(issue_fields.value_decimal) FROM issues INNER JOIN issue_fields ON issue_fields.issue_id=issues.id INNER JOIN issue_assignees ON issue_assignees.issue_id=issues.id INNER JOIN contributors ON issue_assignees.contributor_id=contributors.id INNER JOIN contributor_parents ON contributor_parents.id=contributors.contributor_parent_id INNER JOIN projects ON issues.project_id=projects.id where issues.external_closed_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '12' month) AND contributor_parents.name = 'Marco Island' AND projects.name = 'Sweet Project Name' AND issue_fields.external_id IN ( select external_id from issue_fields_descriptions where name = 'Story Points' ) GROUP BY Week

Test Flake Types, Grouped by Day

SELECT date_trunc('day', datetime) as Day, metadata, COUNT(custom_data_points) FROM custom_data_points where tag = 'vitest_flake' GROUP BY Day, metadata;

Issues Created Last 12 Months Grouped By Creator

SELECT date_trunc('month', external_created_at) as Month, contributor_parents.name AS Name, COUNT(issues) FROM issues INNER JOIN contributors ON issues.contributor_id=contributors.id INNER JOIN contributor_parents ON contributor_parents.id=contributors.contributor_parent_id where external_created_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '6' month) and provider='jira' GROUP BY Month, contributor_parents.id

Issues Closed Last 12 Months Grouped By Assignee

SELECT date_trunc('month', external_closed_at) as Month, contributor_parents.name AS Name, COUNT(issues) FROM issues INNER JOIN issue_assignees ON issue_assignees.issue_id=issues.id INNER JOIN contributors ON issue_assignees.contributor_id=contributors.id INNER JOIN contributor_parents ON contributor_parents.id=contributors.contributor_parent_id where external_closed_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '12' month) GROUP BY Month, contributor_parents.id

Issues created with title, body, or label with word "bug" last 6 months

SELECT date_trunc('month', external_created_at) as Month, COUNT(issues) FROM issues INNER JOIN issue_labels ON issue_labels.issue_id = issues.id INNER JOIN labels ON issue_labels.label_id = labels.id where external_created_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '6' month) AND (labels.name ILIKE 'bug' OR issues.body ILIKE '%bug%' OR issues.title ILIKE '%bug%') GROUP BY Month

Issues over time

SELECT date_trunc('month', external_created_at) as Month, COUNT(issues) FROM issues where external_created_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '24' month) GROUP BY Month

Comments last 6 months

SELECT date_trunc('month', comments.external_created_at) as Month, COUNT(*) FROM comments where comments.external_created_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '12' month) GROUP BY Month

Pull Requests By Day of Week

SELECT extract(isodow from external_created_at) || '-' || To_Char(external_created_at, 'DAY') as DayOfWeek, COUNT(*) FROM pull_requests INNER JOIN contributors ON pull_requests.contributor_id=contributors.id INNER JOIN contributor_parents ON contributor_parents.id=contributors.contributor_parent_id where external_created_at > {start_time} AND external_created_at < {end_time} GROUP BY DayOfWeek

Automated Test Lines of Code vs Non Test Lines of Code (Merged Lines Only)

SELECT date_trunc('month', authored_at) as Month, SUM(commits.number_of_added_lines_not_filtered_out) - SUM(commits.number_of_added_test_lines_not_filtered_out) as NonTestLines, SUM(commits.number_of_added_test_lines_not_filtered_out) as TestLines FROM commits where authored_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '12' month) AND commits.is_merged=true GROUP BY Month

Impact last 12 months

SELECT date_trunc('month', authored_at) as Month, SUM(commits.impact) FROM commits where authored_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '12' month) AND commits.is_merged=true GROUP BY Month

Pull Request Iterations last 12 months(commits after comments on p.r.s)

SELECT date_trunc('month', commits.authored_at) as Month, COUNT(*) FROM pull_request_commits INNER JOIN commits ON commits.id = pull_request_commits.commit_id where commits.authored_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '12' month) AND pull_request_commits.is_pr_iteration=true GROUP BY Month

Comments that let to iteration last 12 months (comments that came before a commit on a p.r.)

SELECT date_trunc('month', comments.external_created_at) as Month, COUNT(*) FROM comments where comments.external_created_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '12' month) AND comments.did_lead_to_pr_iteration=true GROUP BY Month

Lines Added By Contributor w/ Line and File Filters Applied

Note the line filters can be applied in repository settings
SELECT date_trunc('month', authored_at) as Month, contributor_parents.name as ContributorName, SUM(commits.number_of_added_lines_not_filtered_out) FROM commits INNER JOIN contributors ON commits.contributor_id=contributors.id INNER JOIN contributor_parents ON contributor_parents.id=contributors.contributor_parent_id where authored_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '12' month) AND commits.is_merged=true GROUP BY Month, ContributorName

In depth commit analysis by contributor

SELECT commits.impact, commits.number_of_added_lines_total, commits.new_work, commits.simple_work, commits.churn, commits.help_others, commits.legacy_refactor, commits.ignored_lines, commits.number_of_removed_lines_total, number_of_added_lines_total, commits.authored_at, commits.sha FROM commits INNER JOIN contributors ON commits.contributor_id=contributors.id INNER JOIN contributor_parents ON contributor_parents.id=contributors.contributor_parent_id where authored_at > date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '12' month) AND contributor_parents.id='Contributor Parent Id'AND commits.is_merged=true ORDER BY commits.authored_at

Clean Impact

Impact produced with the least churn involved
SELECT contributor_parents.name, SUM(commits.impact) * (1 - (SUM(commits.churn) / NULLIF(SUM(commits.impact),0))) as clean_impact, (SUM(commits.churn) / NULLIF(SUM(commits.impact),0)) as churn_ratio, SUM(commits.impact) as impact FROM commits INNER JOIN contributors ON commits.contributor_id=contributors.id INNER JOIN contributor_parents ON contributor_parents.id=contributors.contributor_parent_id where commits.authored_at > {start_time} AND commits.authored_at < {end_time} AND commits.is_merged=true GROUP BY contributor_parents.name ORDER BY clean_impact desc nulls last

PR Efficiency by Developer (PRs Merged / PR Iterations)

SELECT contributor_parents.name as contributor_name, (COUNT(distinct pull_requests.id) * 1.0 / NULLIF(SUM(CASE WHEN pull_request_commits.is_pr_iteration THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0)) as efficiency_ratio, COUNT(distinct pull_requests.id) as prs_merged, SUM(CASE WHEN pull_request_commits.is_pr_iteration THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS iterations FROM pull_requests LEFT OUTER JOIN pull_request_commits ON pull_request_commits.pull_request_id=pull_requests.id INNER JOIN contributors ON pull_requests.contributor_id=contributors.id INNER JOIN contributor_parents ON contributor_parents.id=contributors.contributor_parent_id where pull_requests.external_created_at > '2022-01-01'AND pull_requests.external_merged_at IS NOT NULL GROUP BY contributor_name ORDER BY efficiency_ratio desc nulls last

Custom Commits Stat Sheet

SELECT contributor_parents.name as contributor_name, ROUND(SUM(commits.impact)) as impact, SUM(commits.new_work) as new_work, SUM(commits.simple_work) as simple_work, SUM(commits.churn) as churn, SUM(commits.legacy_refactor) as legacy_refactor, SUM(commits.help_others) as help_others, SUM(commits.ignored_lines) as ignored_lines, SUM(commits.isolated_removals) as isolated_removals, SUM(commits.number_of_added_lines_total) as total_lines_added, SUM(commits.number_of_added_test_lines_total) as test_lines_added FROM commits INNER JOIN contributors ON commits.contributor_id=contributors.id INNER JOIN contributor_parents ON contributor_parents.id=contributors.contributor_parent_id where commits.authored_at > '2022-04-23'GROUP BY contributor_name ORDER BY impact desc nulls last

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